RICH PIRONEmusicspecialistspeaks2019-10-15T06:59:00+00:00 RICH PIRONE Living with wife of 30 years, Olga, who continues to be the inspiration for...
BEN & LOUIS CRUZmusicspecialistspeaks2019-10-11T05:40:21+00:00 BEN & LOUIS CRUZ Brothers Louis and Ben own Life Stream Recording Studios which is an HD and...
HOME PORTmusicspecialistspeaks2019-10-11T05:33:43+00:00 HOME PORT HOME PORT is a New York City acoustic vocal trio that sings Oomaloo -...
THE RED DIRT SKINNERSmusicspecialistspeaks2019-10-11T05:32:12+00:00 THE RED DIRT SKINNERS The Red Dirt Skinners are a Country/Blues duo from England. This year they were...
CHRISTOPHER FORDmusicspecialistspeaks2019-10-15T06:57:21+00:00 CHRISTOPHER FORD Christopher Ford has been attacking acoustic guitars on stages throughout Western Canada for the...
JOHN HANSKEmusicspecialistspeaks2019-10-11T05:26:25+00:00 JOHN HANSKE A fleet-footed songwriter that lets the songs write themselves, his ideas clank around in...
TAPIA COREL & JIMI RHODESmusicspecialistspeaks2019-10-11T05:23:51+00:00 TAPIA COREL & JIMI RHODES Tapia Corel and Jim Rhodes have been performing together as Partners in Crime, since...
LISA BOUCHELLEmusicspecialistspeaks2019-10-15T06:56:03+00:00 LISA BOUCHELLE Lisa is the hardest working independent artist you will find. She does over 250...
RICHIE HERNANDEZmusicspecialistspeaks2019-11-18T05:31:07+00:00 RICHIE HERNANDEZ Richie Lexington Hernandez is an independent (Nashville Songwriter Association International member since 2013) with...
JUSTICE BOATENGmusicspecialistspeaks2019-11-18T05:32:09+00:00 JUSTICE BOATENG Justice Boateng is born and raised in Ghana, West Africa. Justice comes to offer...