Covid -19 Is Coming , Let’s Make Money

The Corona Virus COVID – 19 is changing how the world will learn and entertain themselves, here is my immediate take on it.
Not Shaking Hands
Not Bumping Elbows
If you know me NOD from a far.
AS much as possible I will be staying home or within walking distance of my house.

I am not alone either as most of the world will be staying home, either as quarantined or because school, job, recreation and more will be closed. Literally MILLIONS of people will now have to chance their day to day routines. Expect larger mobile phone usage, more Internet usage and entertainment to go on the rise.
I see an opportunity for entertainers, artist, musicians, filmmakers, engineers and educators.
Now is the chance to promote your music, act, show, educational session and even conferences to an audience that will be vying for more and more ways to enjoy online content.

1. Video – develop creative music video’s that are different than what is being seen today. You goal is to get as many eyeballs as possible viewing your videos and streaming your music. Most children will be home every day so consumption will be high and multiple videos for the same song make a lot if sense. Podcasting and you are setting up to be a “talking head”, make sure that your camera shot is tight and well lit. Have an eye pleasing backdrop behind you and get some “banging” music that the audience you are trying to reach will enjoy. Of curse your subject has to be one that will have people involved and wanting to interact with you.

2. Social Media – Continue building your database over social media outlets like FaceBook, Instagram, Twitter and others BUT have your own destination for your fans where you can make revenue. I have found an extremely powerful web-based tool that is assisting me in marketing, showcasing artist, delivering web-based conferences and shows. (

SHOW4ME is a new music interaction site that allows you to have direct fan access AND make revenue at the same time. It does not interfere with any of your digital royalties from streaming or downloading, in fact it allows you to make money from having web-based shows, concerts, educational sessions, selling admission and merchandise. Clubs are closing so you can now utilize SHOW4ME to have your “live” or recorded show streamed.

Plus, you can sell anything else you can think of including music, video, movies, subscriptions, podcasts, on & on. You think of it there will be an audience for it.

In checking out SHOW4ME I have found that there is a yearly fee of $1.00 to join. Only one dollar to start your own online entertainment business with ALL of the tools that you need to succeed.

3. Creativity – The time is now to be unique and creative with your projects, whatever they are. Having something that is as “good as” another show or song that is out is no longer good enough to win. Competition will be great especially from people that think they can put out some great product but only have inferior delivery practices. If you have a hit be on the lookout for hundreds of other people that will make something exactly like your hit. Look for other outlets besides the main majors. New business opportunities will be made within the next few months for independents that organize properly and deliver a product or project that the public enjoys.

Film, podcast and video projects look towards XOD ( a web based audio / video network that is obtaining tons of new independent films, shows for both youth and adults, sports, religious, music and educational content with individual channels available. XOD can be found on almost every streaming platform and seen on your existing devices.

Take advantage of this situation while you are at home with your families, create ideas that can be spread around the globe

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